Term Activate Students
This function allows the users to ensure that students are eligible to enrol into classes for the term.
Term Activate Student Individually
Roles Involved: School Student Registrar
Navigate to Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Student Term Information > Term Activate a Student
Search for a particular student by entering the Birth Certificate ID, National ID, or ID (EMPLID).
Click on the look-up button and select the Term to be activated.
Check the Eligible to Enroll checkbox so student can enroll into class.
Term Activate Students in Batch
Roles Involved: School Student Registrar
Navigate to Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Term Processing > Term Activation > Term Activation Batch Process.
User will be directed to Term Activation Batch Process page.
Enter a new Run Control ID, enter any value without spacing (e.g. Batch_Upload)
User will be directed to the Selection 1 page.
User will be directed to the Process Control page.
Click on the Eligible to Enroll dropdown list and select “Yes”.
Ensure that the process name SRTRMAC in the Process Scheduler Request page is checked.
User will be directed back to the Process Control page.
User will be directed to the Process List page and should be able to see that “Run Status: Queued and Distribution Status: N/A” for the process name SRTRMAC.
At interval times, click on the Refresh button until user sees the “Run Status: Success and Distribution Status: Posted”.
Click on the Details link that is to the right of the process name SRTRMAC.
User will be directed to the Process Detail page.
User will be directed to the View Log/Trace page.
User will be directed to the Summary page where it will show the List of the Activated Students, No. of Students Activated, No. of Students Updated, No. of Students Ineligible and Total no. of Students Processed.
The Academic Career available depends on the role of the user.
User should only be able to select their own Campus.
Waiting time depends on the no. of students (~100 students takes 5-10 mins)