Save/Submit a Withdrawal Request
This function allows the users to record a Student Withdrawal request form with supporting documents.
Record the Withdrawal Request with supporting documents
Role Involved: School Student Registrar and Class Teacher (MOE_WD_REQUESTR)
Navigate to Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Student Movement > Student Withdrawals > Withdrawal Request.
To create a new Withdrawal Request Form, click on the Add a New Value tab.
Click on the Student ID look up button to search for a Student ID of the student who requested to Withdraw.
Review the Student Information section for the student who requested the Withdrawal.
Next, scroll down to fill in the details of the withdrawal into Withdrawal Request Form.
Select a Withdrawal Reason from the *Reason for Withdrawal dropdown list.
Click on the Calendar icon to select the *Date of Request, which is the date the request was made by the student/parent.
Click on the Calendar icon to select the *Date of Withdrawal, which is the date the student will withdraw from school.
Enter any additional information relevant to the withdrawal request as Remarks/Comments.
Click on the Add attachment button to attach the supporting documents.
Select the File from the computer (any format with a maximum size of 2MB) and click on Open.
Click on the Upload button to upload the selected document. Click on the Cancel button to cancel the upload.
Click on the View Attachment button to view the attached document. Click on the Delete Attachment button to delete the attached document.
Click on the Save button to save the Withdrawal Request Form.
Once the request is successfully saved, a Request Nbr will be assigned and the Status will remain as ‘Pending’.
To submit the withdrawal request, click on the Submit button.
Click on the OK to submit the Withdrawal Request form. Click on the Cancel button to return to the Withdrawal Request form without submitting it.
Upon clicking OK, click on the Return button on the Confirmation page.
Once the Withdrawal Request is successfully submitted, a Request Nbr will be assigned and the Status will be updated to ‘Submitted’.
- Biographical
- Add/Update a Person
- My System Profile
Note: List of Withdrawal Reasons;
- ‘Balik Negari Asal’ (Moving back to Home Country)
- ‘Berhenti Sekolah’ (Quit School)
- ‘Berhenti Sekolah Di bawah umur 18 tahun’ (Quit School Under 18 Years Old)
- ‘Berpindah Ke Sekolah Swasta’ (Transfer to Private school from Govt. School)
- ‘Berpindah Ke Sekolah Ugama’ (Transfer to Religious School)
- ‘Ibu-Bapa / Penjaga ditugaskan ke Luar Negara’ (Over-seas posting of parents)
- ‘Lain-lain hal’ (Others)
- ‘Masalah Keluarga’ (Family Problems)
- ‘Masalah Keluarga Di bawah umur 18 tahun’ (Family Problems Under 18 Years Old)
- ‘Masalah Kesihatan’ (Health Reasons)
- ‘Masalah Kesihatan Di bawah umur 18 tahun’ (Health Reasons Unde r18 Years Old)
- ‘Meninggal Dunia’ (Deceased)
Once the Withdrawal Request is ‘Submitted’, the Principal will receive an email informing that the submitted request needs processing. The School Student Registrar and Class Teacher will receive a copy of the email.To receive the Email notification, kindly make sure that the Electronic Email Address Information is updated in the system via:
For the steps on how to update the Electronic Email Address Information, go to Maintain Teacher Electronic Address.