Print Clearance Checklist Form
This function allows the users to print the Clearance Checklist Form.
For School Admin - Student Clearance, the user will be able to print the Clearance Checklist form for all the students who have Clearance Checklists.
For Class Teacher, the user can only be able to print the Clearance Checklist for students who are enrolled to his/her class only.
Roles Involved: School Admin – Student Clearance and Class Teacher (MOE_SCHL_ADMIN_STDNT_CL) and (MOE_SCHL_CLASS_TEACHER)
Navigate to Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Student Movement > Clearance > Student Clearance Checklists.
User will be directed to the Student Clearance Checklists page.
In the Student Clearance Checklists page, to search for the students the search criteria can be used. The criteria mentioned in the email sent to the teachers/persons in-charge of Clearance Checklists Items to fetch the students to update the status of each of the items.
Click on the Academic Career lookup icon to select the Academic Career. This is the field the teacher/person in-charge must enter in order to search for the students.
Click on the Academic Program lookup icon and select the program.
Click on the Academic Plan lookup icon and select the Academic Plan.
Click on Session lookup icon and select the correct session.
If the user wants to view the students of a particular class in a given term, select the Class Section value from the lookup after entering the Term and Session value.
If the user wants to search for a particular student, the Student ID can be selected from the lookup icon after selecting the Academic Career from above.
Click on Fetch button to fetch the students who have Clearance Checklists created matching the criteria entered.
Click on the Clear button to erase the criteria from all the fields entered.Once the Fetch button is clicked, Student IDs and the names are displayed in the grid. It will display all the Clearance Items the students should clear before leaving the school.
Click on the Print button against the student who has completed his/her Clearance Checklist. It will create a printable Clearance Checklist in rtf format.
Once it the printable document is created, the Clearance Checklist can be printed out and signed and stamped by the School Principal.
If the status is ‘Completed’ – it will display ‘Cleared’
If the status is ‘Not Applicable’ – it will display ‘Not Applicable’
If the status is not ‘Competed’ – it will display ‘Not Cleared’
The status of the item will be indicated against each item in the following way;