Manage and Maintain Attendance Rosters
This function allows the users to manage Attendance Rosters.
Generate Attendance Roster
Roles Involved: School Student Registrar, Class Teacher and Subject Teacher (MOE_SCHL_ADMIN_ATTDNCE), (MOE_SCHL_CLASS_TEACHER) and (MOE_SCHL_SUBJECT_TEACHER)
Navigate to Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Attendance Roster By Class.
To search for the attendance roster, click on the Find an Existing Value tab.
Click on the lookup icon to search for the Term for which the attendance roster belongs to.
User will be directed to the Attendance Roster by Class page.
Click on the Generate button to create the attendance roster for the selected class.
As soon as the attendance roster is created only 5 days will be displayed. Click on View All link to view all the Class Dates.
Click on the Save button to save the attendance roster created.
After the attendance roster is generated, the user is allowed to click on the Generate button to update the attendance roster.
For the Class Attendance Roster, the Subject Area to select is ‘Year’ and for the Subject Attendance Roster, the Subject Area to select is the specific subject, e.g. BML (Bahasa Melayu).
For Pre-School and Primary School, select among Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4 values. For other Careers, select Regular Academic Session.
When the Generate button is clicked, it will update the Class Attendance Roster for the period mentioned in Attendance From Date and Attendance To Date.
For each term, the class and subject attendance rosters must be created by the first day of the term.
Note:↑ Back to Top
If the Attendance is already marked (Updated? checkbox is checked) for some dates, those dates will not be refreshed when the Generate button is clicked.
Add/Remove Class Dates
Roles Involved: School Student Registrar, Class Teacher and Subject Teacher (MOE_SCHL_ADMIN_ATTDNCE), (MOE_SCHL_CLASS_TEACHER) and (MOE_SCHL_SUBJECT_TEACHER)
Navigate to Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Attendance Roster by Class.
To search for the attendance roster, click on the Find an Existing Value tab.
Click on the lookup icon to search for the Term for which the attendance roster belongs to.
User will be directed to the Attendance Roster by Class page.
To add the additional Class dates manually to the attendance roster, click on the ‘+’ icon.
Click on the Save button to save the newly added Class Date.
Click on the Create button to populate the student list for the newly entered Class date.
Click on the View button to view the student list in the newly added class date.
Upon clicking on the View button, the student list is populated.
To remove an existing Class Date from the attendance roster, click on the ‘-‘ icon.
Click on the Save button to save the removal of the existing Class Date.
For the Class Attendance Roster, the Subject Area to select is ‘Year’ and for the Subject Attendance Roster, the Subject Area to select is the specific subject, e.g. BML (Bahasa Melayu).
For Pre-School and Primary School, select among Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4 values. For other Careers, select Regular Academic Session.
Update the Wrong Enrolment record of a Student
If the student was enrolled in a wrong class, then the student needs to be dropped from class and the reason should be selected as ‘Wrong Enrollment’. If the reason was not selected when the Enrollment Request was submitted, later the reason can be selected. The following are the steps to set the reason in the drop record for wrongly enrolled students.
Roles Involved: School Student Registrar (MOE_SCHL_STDNT_REGISTRAR)
Navigate to Main Menu > Records and Enrollment > Enroll Students > Enrollment.
To search for the Student, click on the Find an Existing Value tab.
Select the correct Term to update the Enrollment record of a Student.
Update Attendance Roster for Students who Enrolled in school after term began
When the students who are admitted to school or transferred into a school after the term began are enrolled into a class and the attendance roster is refreshed, they will be added to the attendance roster from the first date of the term. Since they only attended school after the term began the names of these students should be removed from the dates they were not in school. The following steps will guide you on how to update the attendance roster.
Roles Involved: School Student Registrar, Class Teacher and Subject Teacher (MOE_SCHL_ADMIN_ATTDNCE), (MOE_SCHL_CLASS_TEACHER) and (MOE_SCHL_SUBJECT_TEACHER)
Navigate to Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Attendance Roster by Student.
To search for the Student, click on the Find an Existing Value tab.
Select the Class Number link of the Student is in. The attendance class of the student will have the Subject Area: ‘Year’.
User will be directed to the Student Attendance Roster page.
To remove the Class Meeting dates where the student is not in the class, click on the ‘-‘ icon.