Setup/Update Committee Data
This function allows the users to setup committee and committee members.
Setup Committee & members
Roles Involved: School Admin – School Management & MOE - School Management
Navigate to Main Menu > Campus Community > Committee > Manage Committees.
Enter the Academic Institution and Committee in the specified field.
You will be directed to the Committee Page.
In the Committee Details section, enter the relevant data in the Effective Date, Committee Name fields.
Click on the look-up button to view list of Committee Type and select the Committee type.
In the Committee Members section, click on the look-up button to view list of ID and select the desired person.
Note: 3 different Committee Type are National Committee, School Committee and Zone/Cluster Committee.
Note: The steps is the same as the first member.
Upload committee member data
Roles Involved: School Admin – School Management & MOE - School Management
Navigate to Main Menu > Campus Community > Committee > Upload Committee Data.
You will be directed to the Upload Committee Data page.
Click on the look-up button of Institution and select the Institution.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Committee and select the committee.
Ensure the process name MOE_SM_CMTUL in Process Scheduler Request page is checked.
In the Upload Committee Data page, click on the Process Monitor link.
User will be directed to Process List page and should be able to see that “Run Status: Queued and Distribution Status: N/A” for the process name MOE_SM_CMTUL.
At interval times, click on the Refresh button until user sees the “Run Status: Success and Distribution Status: Posted”.
Click on the Details link that is to the right of the process name MOE_SM_CMTUL.
In the Process Detail page, click on the View Log/Trace link.
User will be directed to the log file page.
Note: Institution is always MOE01.
Note: The date when the uploaded members start working for the committee. The existing committee member history will be replaced if as of date exists in system.
Note: Sample of upload file.First column is the committee name, second column is the employee ID, Third column is the committee role, followed by the start date and end date of the person in the committee.
Note: Waiting time depends on the no. of rows in the upload file.
Note: Ensure that the total no. of input rows matches with the no. of rows in the .csv file.
Verify Committee Data
Roles Involved: School Admin – School Management & MOE - School Management
Navigate to Main Menu > Campus Community > Committee > Manage Committees.
In the Find an Existing Value tab, enter the values in the Committee fields.
Click on the Search button to obtain the result based on the values you entered.
You will be directed to Manage Committees page.
In the Committee Members section, verify if the committee members here matches the upload file.