Record Attendance with Late or Absence Reasons
This function allows the users to Record Attendance with Late. Absence Reasons.
Record Class Attendance
Roles Involved: School Student Registrar and Class Teacher (MOE_SCHL_ADMIN_ATTDNCE) and (MOE_SCHL_CLASS_TEACHER)
Navigate to Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Attendance Roster by Class.
To search for the class attendance roster, click on the Find an Existing Value tab.
Click on the lookup icon to search for the Term for which the attendance roster belongs to.
User will be directed to the Attendance Roster by Class page.
Click on the View button against the date that the user wants to mark Class Attendance.
User will be directed to the Class Attendance Page with the student list.
Click on the View All link to view the complete list of students in the Class.
- All the students are Present
- A student is Absent
- A student is Late but considered Present
- A student is Late but considered Absent
If all the students are Present, view the marking on the page against all the students to verify that the Present checkbox is checked for all the students.
If a student is absent, then uncheck the Present checkbox against the absent student.
If a student comes late to school, then the Late checkbox should be checked against the student.
If a student is late to school and is considered present, then the Present and Late checkboxes should be checked for the student.
If a student is late to school and is considered absent, then the Present checkbox will be unchecked and Late checkbox will be checked.
Select the Absence/Late Reason if the reason is available for the student who is late or absent.
Enter any additional notes in the Remarks (Class Teacher) field.
Click on the Save and Return button to save the marking of Class Attendance.
Verify the Updated? checkbox is checked to indicate class attendance is marked for the selected class date.
For the Class Attendance Roster, the Subject Area to select is ‘Year’.
For Pre-School and Primary School, select among Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4 values. For other Careers, select Regular Academic Session.
Attendance will be marked for 4 main categories;
The Status column will indicate the Student Movement (Transferred-Out, Withdrawn and Deferred). The attendance need not to be marked for them.
If a student is absent from school for more than 7 consecutive days without informing the school, then the student will be tagged as ‘Absconded’ after the student records are updated and attendance must to be marked such students.
Record Subject Attendance
This function allow Subject Teachers to Record Subject Attendance.
Roles Involved: Subject Teacher (MOE_SCHL_SUBJECT_TEACHER)
Navigate to Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Attendance Roster by Class.
To search for the subject attendance roster, click on the Find an Existing Value tab.
Click on the lookup icon to search for the Term for which the attendance roster belongs to.
User will be directed to the Attendance Roster by Class page.
Click on the View button against the date that the user wants to mark Subject Attendance.
User will be directed to the Class Attendance Page with the student list.
Click on the View All link to view the complete list of students in the Class.
- All the students are Present
- A student is Absent
- A student is Late but considered Present
- A student is Late but considered Absent
If all the students are Present, view the marking on the page against all the students to verify that the Present checkbox is checked for all the students.
If a student is absent, then uncheck the Present checkbox against the absent student.
If a student comes late to school, then the Late checkbox should be checked against that student.
If a student is late to school and is considered present, then the Present and Late checkboxes should be checked for the student.
If a student is late to school and is considered absent, then the Present checkbox will be unchecked and Late checkbox will be checked.
Select the Absence/Late Reason if the reason is available for the student who is late or absent.
Enter any additional notes into Remarks (Subject Teacher) field.
Click on the Save and Return button to save the marking of Subject Attendance.
Verify the Updated? checkbox is checked to indicate subject attendance is marked for the selected class date.
For the Subject Attendance Roster, the Subject Area to select is the specific subject, e.g. BML (Bahasa Melayu).
For Pre-School and Primary School, select among Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4 values. For other Careers, select Regular Academic Session.
Attendance will be marked for 4 main categories;
The Status column will indicate the Student Movement (Transferred-Out, Withdrawn and Deferred). The attendance need not to be marked for them.
If a student is absent from school for more than 7 consecutive days without informing the school, then the student will be tagged as ‘Absconded’ after the student records are updated and attendance must to be marked such students.
Update Class Attendance Roster with comments
This function allows the Subject Teacher to Update the Class Attendance Roster with any required comments which the Class Teacher can refer to when marking class attendance.
Roles Involved: Subject Teacher (MOE_SCHL_SUBJECT_TEACHER)
Navigate to Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Attendance Roster > Attendance Roster by Class.
To search for the class attendance roster, click on the Find an Existing Value tab.
Click on the lookup icon to search for the Term for which the attendance roster belongs to.
User will be directed to the Attendance Roster by Class page.
Click on View button against the date the Subject Teacher wants to view the attendance marking for the day done by the Class Teacher.
Enter any additional remarks in the Remarks (Subject Teacher) field for the Class Teacher.
Click on Save and Return button to save the comments entered.
For the Class Attendance Roster, the Subject Area to select is ‘Year’.
For Pre-School and Primary School, select among Term 1, Term 2, Term 3 and Term 4 values. For other Careers, select Regular Academic Session.
The Generate and Create buttons are disabled for the Subject Teacher as well as all the other editable fields are disabled. The Subject Teacher is unable to mark the attendance for the Class Attendance Roster but is able to enter any notes and comments for the Class Teacher in the Remarks (Subject Teacher) field.