Having trouble with Enrolment Activities?
Dear Respective School Registrars,
We have prepared the following guide which should serve to address any issues that you may encounter for enrolment activities.
Timetabling & Scheduling
Prior to enrolment activities, Timetable are required to be uploaded in order to enrol students into the classes which will subsequently affect both capturing attendance and assessment. To ensure/verify if timetable are uploaded, the following serve as a checklist for Timetable Admin:
- To inform School Student registrar that School Timetable Admin has been uploaded
- Run Assign Extra Instructor process to give access for School Student Registrar and Subject Teacher accessibility to class details.
- Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage School Resources: Scheduling & Timetabling” for Assign Extra Instructors – All process.
- Verify in Upload of School Timetable details/information such as:
-  Class/Subject Teacher
-  Subject info
-  Facility
-  Class start/end
-  Class schedule details
- Please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage School Resources: Scheduling & Timetabling" for Verify Class Scheduling
- While enrolling students into the classes, School Student Registrar may encounter the “Time Scheduling Conflict” issue which indicates that there are more than one classes occurring at the same time. When such issue happens, the School Student Registrar will need to inform the School Timetabling Admin to rectify the issue by providing the following information:
- Class numbers of the conflicted classes
Student Movement
Pending Transfer Request
Description: Transfer Request form of the student is not complete.
Report Names: MOE_RPT_TF_001_01 (For Transferred-out Students), MOE_RPT_TF_001_03 (For Class-to-Class Transfers)
Scenario 1:
Status of the Transfer Request form is ‘Pending’ and waiting for submission.
Solution: Current School Student Registrar or Class Teacher to submit the Transfer Request form.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Transfer” for Saving and Submitting a Transfer Student Request.
Scenario 2:
Status of the Transfer Request form is ‘Submitted’ and waiting for Current school's approval.
Solution: Head of School Student Registrar to approve/reject the Transfer Request form.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Transfer” for Approving a Transfer Student Request.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Transfer” for Rejecting a Transfer Student Request
Scenario 3:
Status of the Transfer Request form is ‘Approved’ and waiting for Current School Student Registrar to complete it.
Solution: Current School Student Registrar to complete the Transfer Request form and update the Student Records.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Transfer” for Completing a Transfer Student Request
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Transfer” for Updating the Student Records
Please ensure the students are transferring to the correct school.
Please ensure that all the raised Transfer Request forms are completed with the correct procedures, including updating the Student Records.
There are four common (4) scenarios for this issue:
How to avoid issues with pending Transfer Request form?
Please note – Current School Student Registrar does not have to complete the Transfer Request form for Pre-School students as they do not have any Clearance Checklist Items.
Pending Withdrawal Request
Description: Withdrawal Request form of the student is not complete.
Report Name: MOE_RPT_WD_001_01
Scenario 1:
Status of the Withdrawal Request form is ‘Pending’ and waiting for submission.
Solution: School Student Registrar or Class Teacher to submit the Withdrawal Request form.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Withdrawal" for Saving and Submitting a Student Withdrawal Request.
Scenario 2:
Status of the Withdrawal Request form is ‘Submitted’ and waiting for approval.
Solution: Principal or Deputy Principal to approve/reject the Withdrawal Request form.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Withdrawal” for Approving a Student Withdrawal Request.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Withdrawal” for Rejecting a Student Withdrawal Request
Scenario 3:
Status of the Withdrawal Request form is ‘Approved’ and waiting for School Student Registrar to complete it.
Solution: School Student Registrar to complete the Withdrawal Request form and update the Student Records.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Withdrawal” for Completing a Student Withdrawal Request
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Withdrawal” for Updating the Student Records
Please ensure that all the raised Withdrawal Request forms are completed with the correct procedures, including updating the Student Records.
There are three common (3) scenarios for this issue:
How to avoid issues with pending Withdrawal Request form?
Please note – School Student Registrar does not have to complete the Withdrawal Request form for Pre-School students as they do not have any Clearance Checklist Items.
Enrolled Wrong Campus
Description: Students are enrolled in the wrong school or not dropped from their previous class.
There are usually two common (2) scenarios for this issue:
Scenario 1:
Student has been transferred to a new school within the term, however they have not been dropped from class enrollment by the previous school.
Solution: The previous school must drop the student from all classes in the term the student is transferring from.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Transfer” for Updating the Student Records for Student Transfer Request.
Scenario 2:
Student has been transferred to the wrong school in the Student Program/Plan by the previous school.
Solution: Verify with the previous school on the wrongly transferred student. Upon verification, the previous school will do the Student Transfer process again but to the correct school.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Transfer” for Updating the Student Records for Student Transfer Request.
How to avoid issues with Students enrolled into Wrong Campus?
Please ensure that the students are dropped from ALL classes (for both registration and subject classes) if they are transferring out within the term (i.e. not during term break).
If the teacher is unsure of which school the student has been transferred to, contact the Parents/Guardian to confirm the student’s current whereabouts prior to submitting the Transfer Request form.
Student To Grad
Description: Students who have completed their studies but have not been graduated through the Graduation Processing.
Scenario 1:
Pre-School students to be graduated from the school.
Solution:School Student Registrar will run the Graduation Student process and verify if the records are successfully updated for the graduating students.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Clearance” for Updating the Student Records for Graduating Student.
Scenario 2:
Primary/Secondary/Sixth Form/Sport School students to be graduated from the school.
Once the list has been verified, School Student Registrar will create and update status of the Clearance Checklists items for the graduating students.
School Student Registrar will run the Graduation Student process and verify if the record are successfully updated for the graduating students.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Clearance” for Creating the Clearance Checklist.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Clearance” for Updating the Clearance Checklist Items.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Clearance” for Updating the Student Records for Graduating Student.
Please ensure to create the Clearance for Primary/Secondary/Sixth Form/Sport School before graduating the students.
Please ensure that all students who have completed their Academic Programs are graduated once the results are announced.
Please ensure to only graduate the correct students.
Please ensure that the Program Degree Update Options are correctly setup as below:
New Degree Checkout Status = ‘Certification Awarded’
Completion Term = Term that student is graduating in (usually last term in the year).
Program Effective Date = ‘Confer Dt’
Confer Date Option = ‘Confer Dt’
Please ensure to graduate the CCA career.
There are two common (2) scenarios in this issue:
How to avoid issues with Students to Graduate?
CCA To Grad
Description: Students who have completed their studies but have not been graduated through the Graduation Processing.
Primary/Secondary/Sixth Form students to be graduated from the school.
School Student Registrar will run the Graduation Student process and verify if the record are successfully updated for the graduating students.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Clearance” for Updating the Student Records for Graduating Student.
How to avoid issues with Students to Graduate?
Please ensure to graduate the CCA career of all students whose academic careers have been graduated.
Please ensure to only graduate the correct students.
Please ensure that the Program Degree Update Options are correctly setup as below:
New Degree Checkout Status = ‘Certification Awarded’
Completion Term = Term that student is graduating in (usually last term in the year).
Program Effective Date = ‘Confer Dt’
Confer Date Option = ‘Confer Dt’
Please note - CCA Graduation is not applicable for Pre-School and Sport School students.
No Citizenship
Description: Student’s citizenship details are not provided in Personal Information (Student).
Solution: School Registrar to update the student’s citizenship details in Personal Information (Student).
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Teacher and Student Records”.
Navigation: Manage Student Records > Maintain Student Citizenship and Passport > Search and Update Student Citizenship and Passport Information via Identification Navigation.
How to avoid issues with students with No Citizenship?
Please ensure student’s citizenship details are filled in when student is uploaded.
Wrong Citizenship
Description: Student is from other countries, e.g. Malaysia and student citizenships’ country is set as MYS. This is wrong because the system only capture BRN citizenship status.
In the system, Citizenship details for students are only captured as “BRN” for Brunei Citizenship and citizenship status of “Non-Citizen” for foreign/non-citizenship students. Other citizenship details should not be entered e.g. MYS for Malaysia.
Solution:School Registrar to change the Country to “BRN” and if the student is not a citizen of Brunei, School Registrar can set the Citizenship Status as “Non-Citizen” in Personal Information (Student).
Please note - In the system, Citizenship details for students are only captured as “BRN” for Brunei Citizenship and citizenship status of “Non-Citizen” for foreign/non-citizenship students. Other citizenship details should not be entered e.g. MYS for Malaysia.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Teacher and Student Records” for Search and Update Student Citizenship and Passport Information via Identification Navigation.
How to avoid issues with students with Wrong Citizenship issue?
Please ensure the country should be “BRN” and Citizenship Status is captured correctly.
Student Enrollment
Class Not Enrolled (Reg) & Class Not Enrolled (Subj)
Description: Classes with no students enrolled.
Scenario 1:
Student have not been enrolled into class(es).
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Student Admission” for Create Student Block, Create Class Block, and Merge Block Enrollment.
Scenario 2:
Class is no longer in used or class was uploaded wrongly.
If student have been enrolled, then dropped from class before, School Timetable Admin will need to cancel the class section.
If class was uploaded wrongly or no students have been enrolled into the class before, School Timetable Admin will need to delete the class section.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage School Resources: Scheduling & Timetabling” for Cancel a Class Section.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage School Resources: Scheduling & Timetabling” for Delete a Class Section.
Ensure students are enrolled into all classes.
Delete/Cancel a class section if not in use or wrongly uploaded.
Not Enrolled
Description: Student is not enrolled into any classes.
Scenario 1:
Student have not been enrolled into class(es).
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Student Admission” for Enroll Student to Class.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Student Admission” for Create Student Block, Create Class Block, and Merge Block Enrollment.
Scenario 2:
Student does not belong to your school.
Navigate to Student Program/Plan.
Click “Include History” button and check previous record to identify which school the student has been transferred from.
Contact to the student’s previous school should be made to confirm the current whereabouts of the student. If the previous school is unsure of the student’s whereabouts then they are advised to contact the student’s parents.
Ensure all students are enrolled in the correct term.
For example, if a student is transferred into a new school in term 2, that transfer student will appear as a “student not enrolled” in term 1 under that new school. The New School will then need to enroll that student into Term 2. Please be advised, that the student will still be registered as “enrolled” under the old school in term 1.
If a transfer student does not belong to your school, please clarify with the previous school as soon as possible.
Wrong Level / Enrollment
Description: When a teacher/registrar checks the Student Enrollment page, they view the Program/Plan of the student is not the same with the Class Section. For example, they are checking the class roster of the Year 3A class and somehow find that some of the students’ Program/Plan is Year 2, which is incorrect.
Scenario 1:
A student’s level in their Student Program/Plan is Year 2, however the student is enrolled in Year 3B. The student actually belongs to Year 2B..
Please refer to the Online Help FAQ for “Manage Student Admission” under What to do if students are enrolled into the wrong class?
Scenario 2:
A student’s level in their Student Program/Plan is Year 2, however the student is enrolled in Year 3B (Student Enrolment). The student actually belongs to Year 3B.
Please refer to the Online Help topic “Manage Teacher and Student Records” for Maintain Student Program/Plan.
Please ensure the student’s academic plan is up to date and that they are enrolled into the correct class.
Enrolled Into Wrong Career
Description: During the enrollment process, a student would be enrolled into the wrong academic career (PRES/PRIM/SECS/PREU). Often times, a certain Academic Career is not able to be found, or another career is used.
Please refer to the Online Help FAQ for “Manage Student Admission” under What to do if students are enrolled into the wrong class?
Please ensure students are enrolled into the academic classes with their correct Academic (PRES/PRIM/SECS/PREU) career. Please avoid using the CCA career.
Wrong Plan Sequence
Description: In order to progress a student, a new record should be added in the Student Program tab where under the Student Plan tab, the Plan Sequence should be ‘10’. However, for Sports school, there may be an additional record for students with Sports plan where the Plan Sequence should be ‘20’. This issue arises when a new Academic Plan with Plan Sequence other than the above-mentioned is added.
Scenario 1(All Academic Careers except Sports School):
Search for Student ID
Click Correct History button.
Click on "-" button to remove any records where Plan Sequence is not '10'.
Update the Academic Plan correctly for record where Plan Sequence is '10'.
Click Save button.
Scenario 2 (Sports School):
Search for Student ID
Click Correct History button.
Click on "-" button to remove any records where Plan Sequence is not '10'.
Update the Academic Plan correctly for record where Plan Sequence is '10'.
Click Save button.
Scenario 3 (Sports School):
Search for Student ID
Click Correct History button.
Update the Academic Plan (e.g. SSAEPY10) correctly for record where Plan Sequence is '10'.
Update the Sports Plan (e.g. SSATHLET) correctly for record where Plan Sequence is '20'.
Click Save button.
Student To Progress
Description: At the end of every year, students’ Student Program Plan should be updated with promotion or retention record.
Scenario 1:
Progress Student using Manage Student Progression Process
Please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage Student Progression for Student Track Allocation
Scenario 2:
Progress Student using Student Track Allocation (Streaming)
Please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage Student Progression for Student Track Allocation.
Scenario 3:
Progress Special Applied Program Year 9(SAPYR9) Student
Please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage Student Progression for Progress SAPYR9 Student.
Scenario 4:
Progress/Retain student manually due to attendance percentage less than 85%
To retain student, please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage Teacher and Student Records for Search and Update Retain Student Details.
To progress student within the same program, please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage Student Progression" for Progress Student Manually.
To progress student to a different program, please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage Teacher and Student Records" for Search and Update Student Program Details.
Attendance Not Generated
Description: Prior to marking attendance, School Student Registrar or Class Teacher should generate the Attendance Roster. If the Attendance Roster is not generated, they will not be able to view the attendance.
Scenario 1:
Classes have not been generated for the Past term.
Please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage Attendance for Record Attendance with Late or Absence Reason
Scenario 2:
Classes have not been generated for the Current term.
Please refer to the Online Help topic "Manage Attendance for Manage and Maintain Attendance Rosters.
Please ensure to generate all the Attendance Rosters before or on the first day of the term.
There are usually two common (2) scenarios for this issue:
Enroll student into classes.
How to avoid the issue of classes not enrolled?
There are usually two common (2) scenarios for this issue:
Enroll student into classes.
School Student Registrar will need to:
How to avoid the issue of students not enrolled?
There are usually two common (2) scenarios for this issue:
Please drop the student from the Year 3B class with the reason “wrong enrolment” (IENL) and then enroll the student to their actual Year 2B class.
Solution: Please progress the student in the Student Program/Plan.
How to avoid the issue of students enrolled to the wrong level?
An example of a student wrongly enrolled into CCA Career can be seen here:
Solution: Please drop the student from the CCA Academic career with reason “wrong enrolment” (IENL) and enroll the student using the correct Academic (PRES/PRIM/SECS/PREU) career.
Please note - If you are unable to find a student’s academic career during the enrollment process, this is most likely due to the fact that the student has yet to be term activated. This should be done prior to enrolling the student to the correct Academic Career. For steps on term activation, please refer to the following link: http://help.ineis.moe.gov.bn/ad/ad_3.1.php
How to avoid issues with students’ enrolled into the wrong career?
So far, we have covered the common issues encountered during the enrolment process. Here’s a few more useful guides to ensure that you do not have further issues with Student Enrollment.
Solution:School Student Registrar will need to
Solution:School Student Registrar will need to
Solution:School Student Registrar will need to
There are usually four common (4) scenarios for this issue:
Solution: School Student Registrar will need to run the Attendance Statistics Calculation process first before running the Manage Student Progression process. Once Manage Student Progression process runs to success, School Student Registrar will need to check the log file to see if there’s any student with attendance percentage less than 85%. These students will then, need to be progressed manually.
Solution: School Student Registrar will need to update the generated Student Track Allocation query and save as CSV file to be uploaded via the Student Track Allocation process.
Solution: School Student Registrar will need to update the generated SAPYR9 Allocation query and save as CSV file to be uploaded via the Student Progression process.
Solution: School Student Registrar will need to update students’ Student Program/Plan manually for students that will be retained or promoted.
There are usually two common (2) scenarios for this issue:
Solution: School Student Registrar to verify if the student enrollment is completed and then inform the iNEIS™ Helpdesk team to generate the Attendance Roster. Once it is generated, the Attendance Roster has to be marked by the School Student Registrar as the Class Teacher can only mark for the Current Term.
Solution: School Student Registrar to verify if the student enrollment is completed before generating the Attendance Roster.
Please Note - If there are any missing dates, School Student Registrar or Class Teacher should add the dates manually in the Attendance Roster.
How to avoid issues with Classes that have not been generated?