Update Escalated Cases Status
This function allows the users to update disciplinary cases that has been escalated by school.
Roles Involved: MOE - HEP Officer
Navigate to Main menu > Student Discipline > Disciplinary Escalation HEP
This case will be in read-only mode by HEP officer. Status have changed to ‘Closed’
User will be re-direct to Disciplinary Incident Log page. Notice that Offence Status are changed to ‘Closed’
User can also fill in the search parameter to filter the search result as well. For example, key-in specific school code to see list of escalated disciplinary cases from the specific school only
This checkbox does not have function, it act as an indicator that this escalated cases requires BKK counselling. Via Offline, HEP officer will contact BKK that this cases required counselling from BKK. When counselling session are done at BKK, they will inform back HEP that the student has completed counselling session. HEP officer will login here to fill in action remarks and close this case.
If Status are changed to ‘Closed’ , it will be changed automatically at Disciplinary Incident Log page.
When School User login and search for this student case, the offence status will be ‘Closed’. By this way, they would know that the cases has been close by MOE - HEP Officer.