List of available Attendance Related Reports
Roles Involved: Class Teacher, Principal, School Student Registrar and MOE – Manage Attendance Officer (MOE_SCHL_CLASS_TEACHER), (MOE_SCHL_PRINCIPAL), (MOE_SCHL_ADMIN_ATTDNCE) and (MOE_HQ_ATTENDANCE_OFFCR)
MOE_AT_STATS_CLASS - Status of AttendanceReport to identify marked and unmarked class attendance for a specific date.
MOE_AT_STATS_QRY - Attendance StatisticsReport to indicate the number of active, enrolled, present, late, absent and unmarked students for a specific date.
MOE_AT_STATS_GENDER_QRY - Attendance Statistics by Gender and LevelReport to indicate the number of active, enrolled, present, late, absent and unmarked students for a specific date by gender and level.
MOE_UNMRKD_ATTEND - Report for Unmarked AttendanceReport to identify the list of teachers responsible for unmarked class attendance in the current term.
MOE_RPT_AT_004 - List of Absentee Students Report to display the list of students who are absent for the past month.
MOE_RPT_AT_005 - Students below the Attendance ThresholdReport to identify the list of students below the Attendance Threshold for a specific term.
MOE_STD_NOT_ENROLLED - Students Not EnrolledReport to display the list of students who are active in the school but not enrolled to any class.
MOE_CLASS_NOT_ENROLLED - Class Not Enrolled Report to display the list of classes without any students enrolled.
MOE_AT_STU_ABS_INFO - Absence InformationReport to display the list of students with the number of absent days for a specific term with reason.
MOE_AT_STU_ABS_COUNT - Count of AbsenteesReport to display the list of students with the number of absent days for a specific term.
MOE_AT_CLASS_STDNT_COUNT – Count of Class StudentsReport to indicate the number of enrolled, present, late, absent and unmarked students for a specific date by class.
MOE_AT_CLASS_STDNT_PER_COUNT – Count of Class Students and Attendance Percentage by ClassReport to indicate the number of enrolled, present, late, absent and unmarked students and the attendance percentage for a specific date by class.
MOE_AT_YEAR_STDNT_PER_COUNT - Count of Class Students and Attendance Percentage by Level Report to indicate the number of enrolled, present, late, absent and unmarked students and the attendance percentage for a specific date by level.