Generate List of Students with Outstanding Fees
This function allows the users to generate a list of all students who have outstanding fees as of a certain date. This report can be used by the class teacher to remind students to pay their fees.
Roles Involved: Class Teacher or School Finance Officer or School Admin - Billing
Navigate to Main Menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer.
Enter the name of the report which is 'MOE_BI_OUTSTANDING_FEES' in the Begins With field.
On the report page, enter the required values in the Institution, Campus and the Due Date fields.
The list of students with outstanding fees will be generated.
The user can either Open or Save the report when clicking the Excel SpreadSheet link.
Note: User can enter 'MOE' first in the Begins With field as to easily find the query.
Note: Enter value in Due Date field as to generate students who have not paid their fees as of the due date.