Generate Report and Queries
This function allows the users to generate reports and queries.
Generate School Facility List
Roles Involved: School Timetabling Admin & Ministry of Education – Department of Schools Administrator
Note: School users can only see facilities under their schools. MOE users can see the facilities for all schools.
Navigate to Main menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
The specified query will be listed down in the search result.
You will be directed to MOE_TT_FACSTATS page.
A list of the Facility information statistics will be listed down.
Generate School Class list
Role Involved: School Timetabling Admin
Navigate to Main menu > Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
The specified query will be listed down in the search result.
Search for the required query name and click on the HTML link.
Select or Enter the values in the Institution, Career, Campus, Term and Session fields.
A list of the classes under the specified academic, career, term, session and school will be listed down.