Update CCA Schedule
This function allows the users to Update CCA Schedule.
Add new Meeting Pattern
Role Involved: School CCA head
Navigate to Main menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes
Specify the field in search criteria and click Search button
Click Meeting tab and Click “+” under meeting pattern to add new class meeting pattern
Specify relevant class meeting Information such as: Facility ID , Mtg Start, Mtg End, Day of week and Start/End Date
Click Lookup button to select relevant instructor and specify Instructor Role
To assign additional instructors, click on “+” under Instructors for meeting pattern.There are three type of instructor role: Primary Instructor, Class Teacher and Subject Teacher. Role such as HEP or School registrar are part of Primary Instructor. Class Teacher = Teacher whom take morning registration classes attendance. Subject Teacher = Teacher who teach particular subject
Update Meeting Pattern
Role Involved: School CCA head
Navigate to Main menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes
Specify the field in search criteria and click Search button
Edit the field which you which to change under Meeting Tab. This example shows updating of Start Date and End Date to 01/06/2015
Click on the W Checkbox to select the day of the week. Another example is to update the meeting day to be scheduled on wed.
You can also change other fields in the meeting pattern is needed, such as facility ID, start/end date, start/end time, instructor ID and instructor role.
Delete Meeting Pattern
Role Involved: School CCA head
Navigate to Main menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes
Specify the field in search criteria and click Search button
Click “-“ under Meeting tab to delete the class meeting you wish to delete
A message will pop-out to prompt for user confirmation to delete the class meeting. Click OK to confirm deletion. Else click Cancel to cancel deletion.