Upload Class Scheduling Data
This function allows the users to upload class scheduling data to Campus Solution System.
Note: It is important to note that you CANNOT upload for past terms so the deadline to upload for each term will be the day before the Term End Date.
Upload Class Scheduling Data
Role Involved: School Timetabling Admin
Navigate to Main menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Upload Class Schedule
You will be directed to the Upload Class Schedule page.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Academic Career and select the career.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Campus Code and select the campus.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Terms and select the term.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Sessions and select the session.
Click on Browse… button to search for the .psv file exported from Edval system.
Click on the Upload button to attach the .psv file.
Ensure the process name MOE_ASC_UPLD in Process Scheduler Request page is checked.
In the Upload Class Schedule page, click on the Process Monitor link.
User will be directed to Process List page and should be able to see that “Run Status: Queued and Distribution Status: N/A" for the process name MOE_ASC_UPLD.
At interval times, click on the Refresh button until user sees the “Run Status: Success and Distribution Status: Posted".
Click on the Details link that is to the right of the process name MOE_ASC_UPLD.
In the Process Detail page, click on the View Log/Trace link.
User will be directed to the log file page.
Scroll down to the Summary section to view the Total number of input rows, No. of successful uploaded rows, and No. of Error row. Below the summary section are the details of the successful class schedule and the error details.
- Ensure that the total no. of input rows matches with the no. of rows in the .psv file.
- Follow ‘Verify class scheduling’ for more detailed checking.
Note: The Run Control ID should be in the following format: [SCHOOL CODE]_[ACADEMIC CAREER]_[TERM]_[VERSION NUMBER]. For e.g. 3001_SECS_1610_01.
Note: Waiting time depends on the no. of rows in the upload file.
Reupload Class Scheduling Data
Role Involved: School Timetabling Admin
Navigate to Main menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Upload Class Schedule
You will be directed to the Upload Class Schedule page.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Academic Career and select the career.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Campus Code and select the campus.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Terms and select the term.
Click on the look-up button to view list of the Sessions and select the session.
Click on Browse… button to search for the .psv file exported from Edval system.
Click on the Upload button to attach the .psv file.
A confirmation message will pop out. Click on the OK button to proceed with the upload.
Ensure the process name MOE_ASC_UPLD in Process Scheduler Request page is checked.
In the Upload Class Schedule page, click on the Process Monitor link.
User will be directed to Process List page and should be able to see that “Run Status: Queued and Distribution Status: N/A" for the process name MOE_ASC_UPLD.
At interval times, click on the Refresh button until user sees the “Run Status: Success and Distribution Status: Posted".
Click on the Details link that is to the right of the process name MOE_ASC_UPLD.
In the Process Detail page, click on the View Log/Trace link.
User will be directed to the log file page.
Scroll down to the Summary section to view the Total number of input rows, No. of successful uploaded rows, and No. of Error row. Below the summary section are the details of the successful class schedule and the error details.
Note: The Run Control ID should be in the following format: [SCHOOL CODE]_[ACADEMIC CAREER]_[TERM]_[VERSION NUMBER]. For e.g. 3001_SECS_1610_01.
Note: Waiting time depends on the no. of rows in the upload file.
Note:↑ Back to Top
Ensure that the total no. of input rows matches with the no. of rows in the .psv file.
Verify Class Scheduling
Role Involved: School Timetabling Admin
Navigate to Main menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes
In the Find an Existing Value tab, enter the values in the Term, Subject Area and Campus fields.
Click on the Search button to obtain the result based on the values you entered.
In the Basic Data page, you can verify if the class section matches class code in the school timetable file.
In the Meetings tab, under the Meeting Pattern section, verify if Facility ID, Mtg Start, Mtg End and Start/End Date matches school timetable file.
In the Instructors For Meeting Pattern section, verify if ID and Name matches school timetable file.
Note: You may click on ‘View All’ if there is more than one row under the same code in school timetable file.
Note:↑ Back to Top
For the case where reupload class schedule date range is later than the existing class schedule, the existing meeting pattern will be kept and end date will be updated
Existing Class Schedule: 01/03/2015 - 11/03/2015
Re-uploaded Class Schedule: 05/03/2015 – 11/03/2015
Expected Outcome:
Existing class meeting pattern end date should be shifted to 04/03/2015![]()
New class meetings added from 05/03/2015 – 11/03/2015
For the case where reupload class schedule with same or longer date range, the existing class meeting pattern will be replaced.