Define Charge Priority.
This function allows the users to define Charge Priority rules. The first step in determining how the system applies a payment. It can be define exactly what chargers are eligible for payment under a particular rule set. It also can define whether payments can be applied to chargers from various time periods and can be establish a priority order for allowed charges.
Roles Involved: MOE DS Billing
Defining charge priority rules is the first step in determining how the system applies a payment. You define exactly what charges are eligible for payment under a particular rule set. You also define whether payments can be applied to charges from various time periods and you can establish a priority order for allowed charges.
Main Menu > Setup SACR > Product Related > Student Financial > Charge and Payments > Charge Priority List.
Enter the required values in the SetID and Charge Priority list fields.
Enter the required values in the Effective Date, Status, Description, Short Description, Long Description and Tree Name fields.
Tree Name: Select the name of the item type tree that includes all item types to be paid under this charge priority list.
Enter the required values in the Tree Node and Priority fields and select Yes in the Current Term, Prior Term, Prior Year and Future Term fields and select and set the Priority into 1.
Permission Form: Select a permission form if you want one to apply. A permission form is a type of advance permission that the system uses with item types that have payment application restrictions. When you select a permission form, the system applies the charge priority definition only if the permission form has been attached to the student.
Use Aid Year: Select to use the financial aid year for the charge priority list. When the flag is off (cleared), current functionality applies and the academic year is used.
Tree Node: Select allowable charges by entering the appropriate tree nodes. The system applies payments only to charge item types that fall in the range of the tree node.
Priority: Assign a priority level for each tree node that is used to define allowable charges. The system uses this priority value only when you select Charge Tree Node as one of the Sort Payment Field values in your Payment Overall Priority setup. A priority of 1 is higher than a priority of 2.
Current Term: Select a value to control whether payments can be applied to charges for the current term. Four values are available for this field:
Yes: Select this value if you want the system to apply payments with no restrictions to charges in this time period.
No: Select this value if you do not want the system to apply payments to any charges in this time period.
Neg. Perm (negative permission): Select this value if you want the system to apply payments as necessary to charges in this time period, unless the student expressly prevents it. Student permissions can be used in conjunction with negative permission.
Permission: Select this value if you want the system to require specific permission before applying payments to charges in this time period. Student permissions can be used in conjunction with permission needed.
Prior Term: Select a value to control whether and how payments can be applied to charges for the prior term. The four values for this field are the same as those defined for the Current Term field.
The prior term is the academic term that immediately precedes the current term. The actual determination of the prior term is based on the value that is used for the current term. Values are:
Use Aid Year OFF: All terms prior to the current term within the academic year only.
Use Aid Year ON: All terms prior to the current term within the current aid year only.
Prior Year: Select a value to control whether and how payments are applied to charges for the prior year. The four values for this field are the same as those defined for the Current Term field.
Use Aid Year OFF: All terms prior to the current academic year.
Use Aid Year ON: All terms prior to the current term that are in the aid year immediately prior to the current aid year.
Future Term: Select a value to control whether and how payments can be applied to charges for any future terms. The four values for this field are the same as those defined for the Current Term field.
A future term is an academic term that comes after the current term. The actual determination of a future term is based on the value that is used for the current term.
Use Aid Year flag OFF: A future term is an academic term that comes after the current term. The actual determination of a future term is based on the value that is used for current term.
Use Aid Year flag ON: All terms after the current term within the current aid year.
Amount: Enter the maximum amount that can be applied to the corresponding period.
Description Fields:
Note: Make sure the required fields are not empty: Effective Date, Status, Description, Short Description, Long Description and Tree Name.
Description Fields:
Note: Make sure the required fields are not empty: Tree Node, Priority, Current Term, Prior Term, Prior Year and Future Term.